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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Mold Damage Cleanup and Remediation in Harrisonburg

5/7/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO tech wearing a glove using a moisture meter on a mold infested wall with the caption: SUSPECT MOLD IN YOUR HOME? The smallest amount of condensation can cause large mold issues. Call SERVPRO of Harrisonburg for mold remediation.

Assessment of the Source of Mold Damage, Inspection, and Cleanup in Harrisonburg 

Harrisonburg offers one-of-a-kind museums, beautiful architecture, locally crafted beverages, and a wide variety of attractions. The 40-block downtown district can be explored on foot, by bike, on a scooter, or by car, and is a winner of the “Great American Main Street Award.” 

Mold damage occurs in Harrisonburg homes and business buildings anytime there is a combination of moisture, organic material, and temperate temperatures. Many of our customers are unaware they have mold in their buildings until they notice the telltale strong, musty odor in one room or throughout the entire building. Leaking foundations or cracks in plumbing joints behind walls provide the perfect conditions for mold spores to form a colony and damage structures and contents such as carpets and drywall.

We urge our clients to call SERVPRO® as soon as they notice a musty odor. We can be onsite within four hours of your call to our office. We immediately inspect and identify the source of the mold infestation and the damage. Our mold removal experts develop a plan to contain the exposure and remove contaminated materials. The source of the moisture is also identified and repaired to avoid future infestations.

Large infestations require detailed steps to contain the infestation, remove mold-contaminated materials, and perform repairs and restoration. More minor infestations may not require all of the identified steps:

  • Establish physical and negative air chambers to contain mold spores
  • Utilize air filtration to scrub microscopic mold spores from the air
  • Contaminated contents are bagged in place and removed
  • Antifungal and antimicrobial agents are used to treat and eliminate mold colonies
  • All contents, including walls, furniture, curtains, and clothing, are cleaned
  • Repair and restoration of walls, flooring, cupboards, and contents are completed

We aim to return homes and business buildings to our clients “Like it never even happened.”

Call for help with mold damage cleanup, restoration, and repairs at SERVPRO of Rockingham and Augusta Counties and nearby areas. Call (540) 433-6100.

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