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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Handling Different Water Removal Scenarios in Staunton Properties

7/1/2024 (Permalink)

servprop poster. faster to any size disaster water SERVPRO is Faster to any size disaster™. But, then our technicians deploy state-of-the-art equipment to mitigate the water damage in Staunton.

SERVPRO® helps Limit Staunton Water Damage Impact

Staunton, VA, is home to 25,750 residents, with the first settlements starting in 1732. Its local institutions, like the Frontier Culture Museum, showcase early American history, including exhibits and recreations of buildings from West African, English, Irish, German, and other cultures that settled in the area. At the Sunspots Studios, glassblowing artists make unique art and jewelry perfect for souvenirs. If you love the outdoors, Gypsy Hill Park offers walking trails, playgrounds, duck ponds, and a golf course, all spread over 214 acres. You can attend local events, including the Staunton Farmer's Market, which opens seasonally and offers local produce, handmade craft, and baked goods.

Various situations that leave premises submerged or wet necessitate unique water removal approaches to restoring Staunton premises to their preloss condition. Situations involving heavy rainfall or storm surges leave significant water volumes inside a property, requiring heavy-duty water removal equipment. Such accumulation may extend outside the property, delaying removal until flooding recedes. SERVPRO technicians can help you in such a situation by wearing PPE, wading into the property, and moving stock items or furniture from submerged areas.

Helpful personal protective equipment

  • Full bodysuits
  • Rubber boots
  • Chemical resistant gloves

 Water can leak when plumbing systems malfunction. Whether the issue is a leaky faucet, toilet, or burst pipes, you may end up closing your business for several days or weeks attempting to remove the water. SERVPRO uses powerful vacuum extractors to expedite water extraction. Portable units are great for a property like a hotel segmented into several small rooms, while truck-mounted extractors are perfect for vast areas such as parking garages. We also check the sources, clamp the leak points, or shut off the main valves to limit further water intrusion.

Other problems that lead to water accumulation

  • Clogged gutters
  • Condensation from HVAC
  • Blocked sewers

Most water intrusions start from a damaging incident, such as adverse weather or material failure. However, water may be released as part of a positive process designated to save your property. If the fire suppression system activates due to smoke detection or heat, sprinklers can release significant water into your premises. Their overhead position sprays the water indiscriminately over items, affecting multiple materials simultaneously.

SERVPRO of Rockingham and Augusta Counties is prepared to respond to all water restoration needs. Call us at (540) 433-6100.

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